Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend Roundup - April 21

Articles I read this week. Sources in parenthesis. Comments from me.

Why I'm Trading a House and Salary for a Motorcycle and Map (Thought Catalog)

How the Boston Marathon tragedy revealed the best side of social media (io9)

Why You Should Go To That Interview (Even If You Don't Want To) (Daily Muse) - The second point is about going so that you can practice your interview skills. That's the best reason for me to go to an interview when I'm not that excited about the position. Last year, I interviewed at a marketing firm and halfway through, I realized I didn't want the position. But I asked great questions and finished the interview on a strong point. It's easily the best interview I've ever had, and that experience has helped me prepare for other interviews.

Why Medium Might Be Large (Chris Brogan) - An overview of a new(ish) content publishing platform.

10 Tutorials to Make Your Own Unique Notebooks (Apartment Therapy)

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