Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Vampire or Werewolf: Did Kenny have a choice?

Spoilers for the season 3 finale of Being Human.

I wonder if Kenny could have become a werewolf instead of a vampire. Going by the werewolves in Being Human, we know that they:
  • have heightened senses right before the full moon (Josh and Nora)
  • become physically stronger over time (Ray)
  • might age differently from normal humans (Pete and Liam)
We don't know if becoming a werewolf would have negated Kenny's Bubble Boy syndrome, but I would have liked to see the characters consider that option. If Kenny would have become a werewolf, he would have still aged, he wouldn't need blood to survive, and as long as he didn't get mixed up in supernatural trouble, he could have lived a mostly-normal life.

And maybe he wouldn't have become a vampire abomination.

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