

Hi, I'm Kali.

This blog is where I keep track of my thoughts on storytelling in movies, TV, and novels—typically in sci-fi and fantasy.

If you're a bit old school and still use RSS readers (I do!), please subscribe to the RSS feed if you like the content here.

Feel free to email me through the Contact page, and you can also find me on Twitter.

Thank you for visiting!

A few notes

This is a personal blog, full of opinions, and maintained as a hobby. All material is written and edited by me. All opinions are my own, and I do not represent my employer, any group or organization, or anyone else.

The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If any content is not mine, I will provide the source details (if available). Please provide a link back to Mythical Type if you use any content from this blog.

I often include relevant links in posts, but I am not responsible for content on external sites.

Comments are open to everyone. Please be on-topic and civil in all comments. I will delete inappropriate comments as necessary.

The social media icons in the sidebar are from S-Icons.

If you have any questions, please contact me.