
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Plain text, email, and newsletters

When I have too many browser tabs open, it's because of stuff like this:

These two rules for reading make me feel better about the stack of unread books on my shelf. (Thought Catalog, via Austin Kleon)

I started keeping a commonplace book, Ryan Holiday style. (Thought Catalog)

I love using plain text files, and this is why. (Lifehacker)

Why e-mail newsletters made a comeback (The Globe and Mail)

[Okay, so I spiraled through a bunch of articles on email and newsletters and kept the best.]

Tips On Crafting A Popular Newsletter, From Top Newsletter Authors (Fast Company)

Inside The Company That Got Rid Of Email (Well, almost.) - Fast Company

Tiny Letters to the Web We Miss (Medium)

Why Everyone Is Obsessed With E-Mail Newsletters Right Now (Tech Crunch)

Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet (but people don't believe me when I say so) (The Atlantic)

Photo credit: markus spiske via photopin cc. Modifications: added text, adjusted colors.