
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Grimm's Sandman: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Spoilers for 2.15 "Mr. Sandman."

Temporary blindness is a common plot device in TV: How does the hero cope without his sight? It's been done on realistic shows—like M*A*S*H, MacGyver, and Monk—and in sci-fi and fantasy series too, such as Doctor Who, Charmed, and Smallville.*

This week, we saw Grimm's take on this trope, and the good thing about fantasy shows is, anything goes. When Nick loses his sight, we don't know if there's a cure. And that means when Nick lost his sight, I immediately thought, what if he doesn't get it back?

When the gang is in the spice shop looking for a cure, we notice that Nick's hearing has become more sensitive. He can hear Rosalee whispering across the room, and he listens in on Hank's phone conversation. One sense goes away and another becomes stronger. That's nothing new.

From that point, I imagined two paths: Nick regains his sight by the end of the episode and goes back to normal OR Nick stays blind. What would Grimm be like with the second option? Nick couldn't be a detective anymore, but he still might be a grimm. The fight scene later in the episode proves that Nick can fight well, even without his sight. Wouldn't that be a brave move for a TV show, to make the hero permanently blind and keep him fighting? I don't think that's been done before. It would be a huge character development, and season two is probably too early to do that to Nick. But still, I couldn't help thinking about the possibility.

The actual outcome of the episode is good, even if it's expected. Nick regains his sight and he's fine. But oh, there's a bonus—he keeps his enhanced hearing.

Nick has become a better fighter over the course of the series, and that makes sense: the more he fights wesen, the more experience he gains, and the better he fights next time. But this is the first time he has come out of a fight physically changed and stronger in a specific way. Besides being able to see the true forms of wesen, this is the first super-human ability that Nick has.

This episode brings up two questions: Have past grimms been changed by wesen? And what other changes are possible?

Hopefully this is something the writers will explore in future episodes.

* Check out TV Tropes for more examples of temporary blindness.

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