
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Revisiting my Merlin wishlist

Spoilers for season 5 below.

In September, I wrote a wishlist for season 5 of Merlin. Here's how my list compares to what happened this season.

1. Arthur finds out. 
He did find out in the final episode, and it was the best magic reveal that it could have been after a mess of episodes this year.

2. Gwen finds out before Arthur. 
Gwen guesses that the sorcerer at the battle was Merlin, but it wasn't before Arthur knew and certainly not early enough to make any difference in the story.

3. An episode about the knights.
Nope, we didn't have this.

4. Mordred comes back.
This happened in Arthur's Bane, part 1. How exciting! Merlin had a vision of Mordred killing  Arthur, and at the end of the episode and at the end of part 2, Mordred saves Arthur's life and becomes a knight of Camelot. He's in the background for most of the season, until he leaves Camelot, joins Morgana, and comes back to kill Arthur. I would have liked to see more of his character.

5. Morgana's story ends.
Merlin ends up killing her. Again, too late for it to really matter and we don't see the consequences of Morgana's death. What happened to her allies?

6. Gaius steps down.
Nope. Gaius is there until the end, still giving Merlin advice. 

7. Merlin loses control.
Sadly, this didn't happen. We got plenty of good emotional moments, but nothing like Merlin losing control.

I was satisfied with the last two episodes of Merlin, but most of season 5 was a waste of potential. Unfortunately, the writers could have done so much with the characters and the series, but they didn't take those opportunities.

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