
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hearing what I can't see

I'm taking an intro to music class this semester that's basically a historical survey. We started in the Middle Ages and by the end of the semester we'll be talking about modern music. I haven't had a formal music class since 8th grade and since this is my last semester of college, I thought I should fit in one.

I'm a visual learner, so what's difficult for me about studying music is that all the things you learn about are things you hear. In a literature course, I can find passages and make connections between them. I can analyze film scenes. I can write out Spanish compositions.

I can't see music. The professor can explain where a chord change is but I still have to listen for it. We can talk about separate voices in imitative polyphony, but it's nothing I can point out.

These aren't difficult concepts, but they don't come naturally to me. I have to pay extra attention and take careful notes. It's funny how this 101 class takes more effort than my 400-level Spanish lit. But that's how it goes for me.

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