
Sunday, May 31, 2009

YouTube Filler

Since I've been home from college, I noticed that I don't watch YouTube videos as often. I check my subscriptions during the week, but I don't watch new videos the day they're up anymore. I know why.

When I'm at school, my day is structured and if I have a few spare minutes before leaving my dorm, I'll watch a video or two on YouTube. I don't want to sit down to work on anything substantial for 5 minutes, so I go to YouTube to fill the time. That means that I check YouTube a few times throughout the day and watch videos very soon after they're posted.

Since I've been home, though, my days aren't so structured. Going to work and a few other commitments are really the only set things in my schedule, so when I'm around the house, one thing I do simply flows into the next. I don't have spare minutes throughout the day becuase I don't have a schedule that locks me into certain things at certain times.

The result is that I still check my YouTube subscriptions often, but I don't necessarily watch videos right away. I let a few build up and then spend 15 minutes or a half hour to catch up at once. YouTube becomes its own activity instead of filling in blank spaces throughout the day.

I thought it was interesting that I spend my time differently during the school year and during the summer. Do you have a similar experience?

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