
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Goes ding when there's stuff

"This is my timey wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff." - The Doctor, Blink

There was a Doctor Who marathon on Sci Fi channel on Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. I didn't know it was on until I read Elayne's blog and then I caught the last episode in the marathon, Blink.

First of all, who runs a marathon from 8 a.m to 4 p.m on a Friday? If it's a Friday during the school year, I'm in class. If it's a Friday when I have off ( Good Friday), I sleep in and/or don't watch TV until later in the day. So moral of the story, I would watch most of an eight-hour marathon of Doctor Who if it was at a decent time. As it was, I caught the last hour. That was great because Blink is one of my favorite episodes, and I would argue one of the best in the new series. I would have liked to watch more of the marathon, though.

Doctor Who doesn't play on the Sci Fi channel nearly enough, and I have no idea why that is. I'd think the longest running sci-fi show would have a regular time slot on the Sci Fi channel. Something more substantial than a marathon every once in a while. I'd love to see episodes from the old series. I'd love to re-watch the new series.

I'm not picky, just a fan who wants all the Doctor Who she can get...Oh, and since it's Suggestion Saturday, if you haven't seen Doctor Who, I recommend you check it out.

Cross-posted on the ning.

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