
Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Half-Blood Prince Trailer

Warner Brothers released a new Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer on Friday exclusively for fan sites. (You can check it out on MuggleNet.)
It looks incredible and there's only one thing I didn't like about it. So first, the things I'm really excited to see:
- The special effects for apparition look awesome! I know Fred and George did some apparating in Order of the Phoenix, but that was just a pop-in, pop-out sort of thing. This looks a lot better.
- I don't know how well the music in the trailer reflects the score for the movie, but I like the updated version of Hedwig's Theme.
- The books and the movies have done a good job of including humor amidst the dark and dangerous scenes, and Half-Blood Prince doesn't seem to be an exception.
- Scenes involving the Pensieve are always interesting. I love how J.K. Rowling uses the Pensieve in the books to give us background information, and it's great to see that carry over to the movies.
- There's a brief shot of Draco Malfoy looking at himself in the mirror. It made me think he was questioning what he was doing. I wonder if the movie will explore Malfoy's work with the Death Eaters and how he feels about it. I hope so.
And what didn't I like? We have to wait until July 17th to see the movie instead of lining up in theaters on November 21st.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaNoWriMo: T-minus 29 days


National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) started today. During November, people all over the world write original novels. The goal is 50,000 words by November 30th. It's quantity, word output, that matters, so participants have to hold their inner-editors back. They'll be plenty of time for revisions later so their task is just to write, write, write.

This is NaNoWriMo's tenth anniversary. I found out about the project a few years ago and would love to do it, but there's no way I could write that much in a month (and have it be a coherent story) and keep up with school. So count me out for now, but I'd love to join in on NaNoWriMo some time in the future. I'll be thinking of plots and characters in the mean time.

Good luck to everyone's who's participating!

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