
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Superman movie: Reboot or Sequel?

The Movie Blog posted about the future of Superman in theaters. The studio's taking their time deciding on what to do next--reboot the franchise or make a sequel to Superman Returns (SR). Superman fans have mixed reactions to SR. Character portrayals, casting choices, and the plot have all been debated over the past two years since the movie came out. The one thing most people agree on is that Superman shouldn't have a son. ("The kid needs to go!" and variations of the same thought appear all over fansites.)

I liked Superman Returns. It's by no means an incredible comic book movie, but it has its moments. It has awesome visual effects--the falling plane, the earthquake, and the moment when Superman bursts through the clouds into the sunlight are stunning scenes. The trailer is proof enough of what a beautiful film it is. Take a look:

I don't want a reboot or a sequel. I want a do-over. Consider SR non-existent as far as the plot goes, but keep some of the same things. I liked the musical score, and I want Bryan Singer to direct the next Superman movie. The visual look of Superman Returns is all thanks to him. Write a better script, and don't let the director have so much control over the story.

Despite what some people think of Brandon Routh's ability to pull off Superman and Clark Kent, I want to see him in the next Superman film. Give him more lines to work with. Routh obviously imitated Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Superman, and that's okay but I'd like to see a new interpretation. Let Routh flex his talent. Give us a dorky Clark Kent and a noble Superman without copying past incarnations.

I like Kevin Spacey's take on Lex Luthor, but Lex shouldn't be the main villain in the next Superman movie. Enough of Lex Luthor and his "affinity for beachfront property." It was amusing in the 1978 film but now it's overdone. Let Superman deal with Bizarro, Brainaic, Darkseid, or Doomsday instead.

I do want to see someone else as Lois Lane. Nothing against Kate Bosworth, but she's not right for the part. I don't know if it was her or the script in Superman Returns, but it didn't work. I'd love to see Erica Durance (Lois from Smallville) in the next Superman movie as Lois Lane. She portrays an independent, smart, and strong Lois. It's far from SR's Lois who needs to date her editor's nephew and use him to get what she wants at the Daily Planet. Lois Lane has always been the model of an independent, working woman. She doesn't need anyone's help to be the top reporter at the Daily Planet.

We don't need another origin story for the most popular superhero ever. Please don't use Kryptonite as a cop out, and seeing Jonathan Kent would be a welcomed treat. I just want an entertaining, smart Superman film that stays true to the original characters.

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