
Monday, August 4, 2008


Welcome to Digital Fare, a blog about movies, television, and internet media. I'm Kali and I've been blogging since September 2004, but Digital Fare started in August 2008. (I posted about random topics on my first blog, and some of the last posts there grew into this blog.) I'm currently studying media and communication in college, and I use this blog as an informal way to write about my interest in media.

Where else can you find me?

You can follow me on Twitter or check out what I'm listening to on Uvumi. I post things I find amusing and/or like on Tumblr. I have a short fiction blog called Flicker in the Night. I was the forum administrator on from October 2005 to February 2009 and I still stick around there because old habits die hard.

If you'd like to contact me, you can do so through my tumblr.  There, you can send me questions, suggestions, or get in touch.  If you'd like me to respond to you personally, please include your contact information in your message.

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About the site

Digital Fare uses a free template, LightWord, from Deluxe Templates. Digital Fare is hosted by Blogger and looks best in Firefox. All images on the blog are hosted by PhotoBucket. The Follow Me Twitter badge in the sidebar is from Design Mirkku.

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